Hollywood Directory of graves (click to download Excel file showing all documented graves)
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A view from above. Click links below to see maps of each section.
Main Hill: It is not symmetrical. The NW and SW sections are much larger than the NE and SE sections. I have completed the Main Hill with the help of Judy Wilson, who provided lots of research and data.
Gun Club Road Section: Eight major segments defined by access roads and trails. All sections are complete (This means that I've found all the graves I expect to find, but there are probably others that may never be found.). The weak trail separating 6A and 6B is difficult to see and gets narrower and fades out in a westerly direction. The dividing line between 3A and 3B is just a rough halfway point. It begins at the corner of a brick wall at the top road in section 6B.
Gun Club East: A clear area located just where you'd think it would beāeast of the GCR Section. Completed in June 2012.
Triangle: It has three sides, just like other triangles. The sides are Gun Club Road and the two paved roads into the larger cemetery area. For you math and geometry folks, it's almost exactly like an equilateral triangle, but it has trees. Completed in September 2012.
Tiered Section: Fronts along Hollywood Road. It has six stair-stepped tiers, numbered from bottom to top. It is being documented by Judy Wilson with some limited assistance from me. As of 2012, about 90% of the graves have been documented on findagrave.com and are being added to my database. I'm trying to divide this large area into smaller pieces so that graves can be more easily found.
East Tiers: Completed in April 2012.
Hightower Road Section: This is a rough, hilly area that's covered with English ivy. You can't see the ground for the ivy, and that means you can't see the holes, the rocks, the trash, and all the other things ready to trip you up and break an ankle. Nonetheless, it is a beautiful and wild area with large beech trees on the hillside. A Jewish burial area is located at the bottom of the hill on the west side. Regrettably, vandals have toppled or broken every grave marker in that small area. Completed in January 2013.
Warning: Most of Hollywood Cemetery is hazardous. Enter at your own risk.
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